1 November 2022
As Youth Ambassador, Jim plays an important role as link between young people all over the world and policy makers, with the aim of aligning the work of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs more with the lived realities of a diverse group of young people. The position of Youth Ambassador arose from the shared vision of the Ministry and CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality that young people should be structurally more involved in policy making. Young people must be included in the decision-making that concerns them: "Nothing about us, without us!". The Youth Ambassador focuses on themes like sexual and reproductive rights, freedom of choice and consent, and gender equality. In addition, they accompany the Dutch delegation to United Nations conferences, participates in negotiations on UN legislation and visits young people in the Netherlands and abroad. Through the work of the Youth Ambassador, young people have an official voice in Dutch international policy making concerning their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Inclusive COMPREHENSIVE SEXUALITY EDUCATION especially for young people with a disability
Jim's focus for this year is Inclusive Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), with a special focus on making Comprehensive Sexuality Education more inclusive for youth with a disability. Comparing to the sex education that is currently provided in the Netherlands, CSE also deals with gender diversity, the pleasurable, social and relational aspects of sex and consent. True CSE is also always inclusive and understands that young people who are more marginalized, such as young people living with disabilities, have unique wants and needs for their education, f.e. in its accessibility and types of information.
Youth with disabilities are less likely to learn about sexuality from their parents or health care providers[1][2][3]. Thereby, in many countries young people with disabilities do not have full access to education, because as many of 33 million children with disabilities are currently out of school[4]. When young people with disabilities do receive sexuality education, many curricula still contain the assumption that people with disabilities are not or should not be sexual[5]. Not having access to sex education makes youth with a disability vulnerable for sexual assault and exploitation. Numbers range from between 40 and 70 percent of girls with disabilities and three in ten boys with disabilities being at risk of sexual abuse before they turn 18[6]. However, inclusive CSE is not only beneficial for people with a disability. Including information for and about people living with a disability also reduces the stigma and misinformation that those living without a disability have about disabilities. This can help young people better relate to their partners, family and peers living with a disability, which will be beneficial for our communities and society as a whole.
ABOUT Jim Monkel
Jim has been a devoted advocate for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for a long time. He obtained knowledge and tools regarding diversity, inclusion and human rights, during his master’s international public health. He consulted numerous young people about their sexual development during his graduation research. And he learned to advocate for SRHR in international and national context as a YSAFE member (youth network of IPPF) and as Social Change Agent (a program of Rutgers, expertise center sexuality). Jim strives for more inclusion, equity and justice, as he believes that having the opportunity to learn about sex, sexuality and relationships is key to youth’s meaningful and dignified participation in society
About CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality:
CHOICE advocates for young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights and for their meaningful participation in the decisions made about their lives. CHOICE strengthens the capacity of young people and youth-led organizations, enabling them to become leaders and change-makers in their communities.
For more information visit our website https://www.choiceforyouth.org/ or follow the Youth Ambassador on Instagram.
For inquiries about the Youth Ambassador, contact Daphne Visser via daphne@choiceforyouth.org
[1] Comprehensive sexuality education interactive report’: https://www.ippf.org/resources/cse-report
[2] Ponzetti. ‘Evidence-based approaches to sexuality education: A global perspective.’ Routledge.
[3] National Partnership for Women & Families & ASAN. 2021. Access, autonomy, and dignity: comprehensive sexuality education for people with disabilities.
[4] Grant Lewis, S. 2019. 'Opinion: The urgent need to plan for disability-inclusive education'. Devex. 6 February 2019.
[5] National Partnership for Women & Families & ASAN. 2021. Access, autonomy, and dignity: comprehensive sexuality education for people with disabilities.
[6] Wilczynski, Connolly, Dubard, Henderson, and Mcintosh. Assessment, Prevention, and Intervention for Abuse among Individuals with Disabilities