The Youth Bulge, also referred to as the Youth Dividend or Demographic Dividend, is a phenomenon whereby high rates of birth and low rates of infant mortality result in a large percentage of the population being under the age of 25. For example, in Africa, children under age 15 account for 41 % of the population and young persons aged 15 to 24 accounted for a further 19 % in 2015. Latin America and the Caribbean and Asia, which have seen greater declines in fertility, have smaller percentages of children (26 and 24%, respectively) and similar percentages of youth (17 and 16 % respectively). In total, these three regions are home to 1.7 billion children and 1.1 billion young persons in 2015.
All young people worldwide should be able to explore, experience and express their sexualities in healthy, pleasurable and safe ways.